
Transform your body. Elevate your mind. Personalized Pilates for strength, flexibility and total well-being.

Elevate your fitness journey with Private Pilates. Our expert instructor provides personalized sessions on both the mat and reformer, offering a multitude of benefits tailored to your individual needs. Experience improved core strength, enhanced flexibility, increased muscle tone, and better posture. Whether you are recovery from injury, seeking rehabilitation, or aiming to enhance athletic performance, our Private Pilates sessions are designed to meet your goals and transform your body from the inside out.

Key features of our Private Pilates sessions includes:

  1. Improved Core Strength: Pilates focuses on strengthening the core muscles, including the abdominals, back and pelvic floor, leading to better stability and balance.

  2. Enhanced Flexibility: Pilates exercises promote elongation and flexibility of muscles, resulting in increased range of motion and reduced risk of injury.

  3. Increased Muscle Tone: Through targeted resistance training, Pilates helps sculpt and tone muscles, creating a leaner, more defined physique.

  4. Better Posture: Pilates emphasizes alignment and proper body mechanics, helping to correct posture imbalances and alleviate strain on the spine and joints.

  5. Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention: Pilates can aid in the rehabilitation of injuries by improving muscular imbalances and promoting efficient movement patterns. It also helps prevent future injuries by strengthening muscles and increasing body awareness.

  6. Stress Reduction: The mindful focus on breath and movement in Pilates promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels, leading to a greater sense of overall well-being.

  7. Increased Body Awareness: Pilates encourages mindfulness and proprioception, enhancing body awareness and coordination both on and off the mat.

  8. Personalized Attention: In private Pilates sessions, our instructor can tailor exercises to your specific needs, goals and fitness level, providing personalized guidance and support throughout your practice.

Whether you are new to fitness or an experienced athlete, Evolve is here to support you on your journey toward better health and fitness. Our Pilates sessions are designed to empower you to reach your goals, unlock your potential, and transform your body and mindset.

Price - $40 per session

Membership price - $35 per session

Meet Kelly, a certified Mat Pilates Instructor and Balanced Body certified Pilates Reformer I and II instructor, who brings over a decade of expertise to our local community and offers personalized mat Pilates, Reformer, Barre, and Wall classes for clients of all fitness levels. With a focus on core strength and stability, Pilates with Kelly fosters physical well-being and mental clarity. Kelly’s commitment to tailoring classes to individual needs ensures clients receive optimal challenges for continuous growth. A graduate of Villanova University with a degree in Sociology, Kelly’s passion for community involvement shines through her volunteer work and dedication to her family. Kelly inspires her clients to realize their potential and aids them in their journey to increasing their confidence and self-esteem.

Meet our instructor.